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How to Choose Naked Skincare

Our packaging-free picks

When it comes to skincare, we’ve never been big on one-size-fits-all solutions, because let’s face it, if everyone’s skin was the same, we wouldn’t need options. You already know how much your skin can change from day to day, week to week and especially from season to season. So, we’ve always encouraged Lushies to listen to their skin’s needs and find products that fit the moment.

If you’re looking for skincare solutions that’ll help your skin and do a little good for the planet, you’ve come to the right place. Our packaging-free skincare is zero-waste and packed with plenty of skin-soothing ways to get clear, hydrated, radiant or calm.

Let’s calm things down

Ingredients like lavender and oat milk offer relief when you’re feeling a bit sensitive. Oftentimes, irritated skin doesn’t want extra exfoliation or lather, so a cleansing balm like Sleepy Face is a good way to cool things off while cleansing your skin of dirt, oil and makeup. It’s made with a healthy dose of fair trade organic cocoa butter so it melts effortlessly and keeps skin soft and supple.

When your skin’s feeling a bit bothered, it’s best to keep things sweet and simple. Light Touch Naked Facial Oil is a good all-in-one step that provides skin with much-needed moisture from organic jojoba and meadowfoam oils, while also gently toning with witch hazel and spirulina.

Sweep on the solid, packaging-free Full Of Grace for soft, happy skin.

A close-up of a person’s forehead, we see as their hand holds a solid lotion against their head.

Get some clarity

If you want skin to feel light and fresh, tea tree, mint and cleansing clays are a good way to get squeaky-clean without feeling stripped bare. Jade Roller Naked Cleansing Balm is perfect for oily-prone skin and lets you cleanse, tone and massage all at once. Organic mung beans offer a gentle facial massage as you work it onto your skin, while a blend of mint and vinegar helps tone and balance.

For a more delicate approach, try the scrub-free Tea Totaler. This solid cleanser will help keep things clear, calm and balanced thanks to a base of castor oil, which works with your skin’s natural sebum, and naturally astringent tea tree oil which offers a gentle, soothing cleanse.

Glow your own way

If you’re a little low on the glow, restore it with Full of Grace. It’s a solid, radiance-boosting serum that’ll help recapture your glow with antioxidant-rich mushrooms and mega hydrating murumuru butter to keep skin feeling soft and supple. Its delicate enough for sensitive skin too with a blend of calamine powder and rose petal infusion.

Follow up with the ultimate in hydration, Argan Naked Facial Oil. Deeply-moisturizing, this rejuvenating hydrator is filled with argan oil, fair trade shea butter and vitamin E-rich prickly pear oil to help you win the battle against dry, flaky skin. Plus, a dash of lemon helps brighten as it beautifies.

Need a little guidance? We’re here to help! Contact our Customer Care team or book a personalized, virtual consultation to learn more about these and more of our range of skincare delights. Our expert staff will walk you through ingredients, routines, and more to help you find the right combination for your skin.

Our packaging-free picks